Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Maybe this goes out to someone,
Maybe this is for me and me alone..

Maybe after very long, something bothered me this much,
Maybe its bothered me for a while but I finally have the courage to confront it,

For once this isn't about me..
But then maybe its just about me...

Placebo is a substance or procedure a patient accepts as medicine or therapy, but which has no specific therapeutic activity. Any therapeutic effect is thought to be based on the power of suggestion.

So whats the placebo?
The Drug? or the Ritual to get off it?
The Feeling itself? or the hurt that one deals with, to rid the feeling?
The aspiration? or the road to getting there?

And if each is as likely to be the placebo - something that has so specific therapeutic consequences - then why does any of these things happen at all.

No this isn't unreal - far from it. Because it pricks and hurts. Because it leads to tears. Because we love and will continue to..and hence care and continue to. Because it doesn't stop when you ignore it for long enough. Because these things don't grab you at your strongest time - instead they do at your most vulnerable time...

When you look at someone hurt on the road, someone drowning in the lake or falling off the cliff - you lend a hand and more. Giving up isn't an options some of these times... not because you really want to save the person.. but because you don't want to face your own guilt for not trying hard enough for the rest of your life...

Today is one such confrontation...
Maybe its time to reach out...
Maybe its time to convince yourself against worrying about things that you can't control...

Each path is difficult - and the commitment permenant.

Maybe Tomorrow decides for itself... what you must do.. or what I must do.
Or maybe tomorrow we can make that decision - that will possibly change our lives forever - and then stick to it.