Saturday, July 21, 2007

Identity Shmidentity

So yeah... the whole shoo sha about "Identity" is slightly getting to me now. Everything is Identity. Who you are, how you dress, what you eat, who you chose to hang out with, who you call friends who you don't, what your romantic interests are, who you find hot and not...
And then it all needs to align, doesn't it... you can't contradict what you think and the way you dress, the way you are or the way you want to be. But then what about when you don't know who you are or what you want yourself to be. What about when you haven't quite made up your mind on the Identity you want and worked towards it. What about when you're as confused as half the bloody world and for a change, aren't quite afraid to accept that.

What if you aren't quite afraid to accept that you are scared of losing a friend. What if you're quite indifferent to losing quite a few others.
What if you're actually inquisitive and really miss studying, because you know you don't want to be labeled. What if you actually know you will complain when you have to study as much as you miss it now.
What is with identity anyways... how does it matter what brand you wear, what football club you support or what you chose to call right or wrong. How difficult is it, to accept that identities are fluid - as is everything else - so why hold on to it. Live and Let Live.. really :)

1 comment:

  1. Pertinent. i kinda think identities are multifarous. Like many faced. no im not schizo. its just i tend to be different wid different ppl. I think i had a lotof fluidity, it was euphoric and painful. the memory of that pain still has me kinda afraid, but i guess once you define an identity for yourself and you like you can impose it on other circumstances.
