The past few days have been those happy days - where you realize that those that are our of sight are not out of mind... and vice versa...
So the highlights of my past few days were
1) The super long conversation with aziza-with the kind of aiesec bitching and coming back to life conversations that only she and I are capable of having and understanding each other... It was amazing how we were speaking on such abstract levels and getting each other every detail.. and how we were able to talk of one detail and get the abstract idea :) A signature Zazu Appy conversations... I miss them very very much... but its a relief to know I can still have them.
2) D, Bil and Shrey waking up at 5:30 in the morning to make sure I'm awake and going back to sleep. I mean, I had almost forgotten I had friends who would do that for me - and to my mind its the ultimate nice thing to do for me! It was such an awesome reminder, that fading in and out with friends doesnt really change how much they care for you (and you for them) and what you are willing to do to help them and be a part of their day to day life - in whatever little way :)
3) Saloni Gifted me a book I'd been looking for for over a year... with a little thank you card :)
And of course long drives and conversations and the likes ....and the random popping out of absolutely no where to say "Hey, Whats Up?" like a reminder of sorts that "hey, I am still a part of your life"
Exam season is not so bad... after all... I get by with a little help from my friends :)