Thursday, April 9, 2009

Zen and The Art of Smooth Clutch Work...

I Love Driving. Its one of those things I obsessively think about... I also obsessively think while driving, and write the best blogposts about mostly nothing and everything in my head, which I forget as soon as I park my car.

Anyways, driving has been an all new experience since the UVA came into my life. For anyone who is wondering about the Red Zen, She's still a part of the family (and no - that is not the zen i'm refering to in the title... I'm talking more about the deep insight into life and nirvana attaining type things) But the Red Zen is more my Best Friend... and she likes to take things slow and steady... while the UVA - HE is my lover! He's Fast, Smooth, and Tall - Dark- Handsome :D ... If he wore shirts, I'd probably marry him! (He still needs a name though... friendly suggestions will be appreciated :) )

Back from the little deviation... My most recent driving and life related spark of enlightenment has to do with how shifting gears smoothly without feeling the jerks is quite an art... as is moving from one phase of life to another without hiccups or any change of pace or anything that will create any discomfort to yourself or those travelling with (living around /part of your life) people.

You know like you push it to a 40 on second gear and smoothly move to 3rd gear in a way no one has any idea that a gear was changed - you just smoothly go on faster ahead together... and then in rough patches... you increase your guard, go back to second, maybe even 1st gear... stick to the basics of clutch and break and avoid causing discomfort people you would otherwise bang into or kill if you didnt reduce your pace during traffic jams

Its quite a deep theory really - although i haven't quite been able to decide what the gear-clutch combo's equivalent in real life would be. It could be the pace at which you let people enter your life , it could be the pace of your relationships, it could be the effect of things you do and then the other things you do once you cease doing the former... It could be a lot of things...

But just as it takes a while to get the judgement right now how much clutch to leave and how much accy to press at what gear, it takes a while (in age) to sharpen judgement tools on relationships and such things...

But now that this association has been made, I will invariably think of life in terms of what gear im living it in, whether theres scope to go faster or what...

So heres to a fun drive?